Standout color

This family was looking for a seasonal color design and installation that would stand out from all the competition in their neighborhood.

The home is located on an elevated lot with a steep incline. They were counting on a big and bold color design that could be seen from the street below. To make a bold statement to the neighbors, I designed the upper annual beds with accent plant material that would offer exotic colorful foliage with bold colorful annuals that would stand out from a distance.

A courtyard area in back included containers and the customer wanted a more casual and fun planting arrangement. Hosta, tropical multi-colored croton with Lucky Lemon Lantana, Carita White Angelonia, Blue Plumbago, Euphorbia Hip Hop and Whopper Rose Begonias were used to achieve this atmosphere.
To continue this theme, the grill area had a shade pot with Australian Tree Fern, Whopper Begonia, and White Queen Caladiums.

Left is a closeup of pots in bench area. There was also a succulent pot with aloe, echeveria, senacio, hens and chicks and trailing ice plant for added interest.
Judges' comments on this project:
- I would like to see the red repeated from the top down to the bottom beds and even though those are not irrigated at the bottom you could still put red vinca in there and get that continuity in the color.
- The yellow and white is very subtle and is not achieving that goal that that the client is looking for in bold bright big color.
- I'm trying to understand the red begonia and the yellow coleus - is that supposed to be a mix of the two items or are they supposed to be separated?
- Would have liked to see more separation between the Carissa holly and the seasonal color. Also think the accents here are not necessary, with the massive boxwoods, I don't think you need the elephant ears.
- Very healthy.
- Love the use of the Australian tree fern, that pot is awesome.

About Flowerworx
Scott Barnard has worked in the Atlanta Market as a Floriculture Designer for the commercial and residential markets for the past 20 years. His job description includes designing and implementing Seasonal color beds, Perennial beds, Urban Vegetable gardens, and container projects. He has been the Urban Ag Councils' most awarded Floriculture Designer in this specialty field of landscape design for the last 10 years. His college background is Marketing/Advertising but his love of the outdoors drew him into a career of landscape design. By working along with the production side in this field, he has also learned the science behind growing and maintaining annuals to help ensure the performance of the flower beds and containers throughout the growing seasons. His years of experience and eye for design allow him to create award winning landscape portfolios.