About UAC
The Georgia Urban Ag Council is Georgia’s premier green industry association for professionals involved in all sectors of the industry, including:
- Landscape design
- Landscape management
- Landscape construction
- Turf care
- Sports turf management
- Parks/rec management
- Golf course management
- Nursery/grower/garden centers
- Sod production
- Tree care
- Lighting
- Irrigation
- Green industry suppliers and consultants
UAC represents one of the largest and most successful industries in Georgia, with $10 billion in annual sales, 8,000 companies, and 100,000 employees.
"Anybody who is thinking about joining the Urban Ag Council can expect they are going to get involved with very impactful leaders."
Mario Cambardella, Landscape Architect, CEO/Founder of ServeScape
"I would recommend membership and involvement in the Urban Ag Council for any green industry professional who is looking to grow personally, professionally, and financially."
Ken Thomas, Principal, Envisor Consulting
UAC advocates for the environmental and economic benefits of urban agriculture.
UAC educates our members with the best management practices for environmental and economic sustainability by working closely with the University of Georgia Center for Urban Agriculture.
UAC promotes professionalism among its members by encouraging continuing education, adherence to industry standards, and best management practices.
UAC helps consumers and property managers locate reputable professionals while it helps the industry maintain high standards through association, education, and recognition.
UAC demonstrates its firm commitment to the future of Georgia’s urban ag industry through its Code of Ethics (below).
UAC offers its members the opportunity to improve and support the green industry for the common good.
UAC mission
The Georgia Urban Ag Council is dedicated to advancing the professionalism of our members by advocating, educating and promoting a thriving and successful urban ag industry.
UAC vision
To forever change the perception of the entire urban ag industry.
UAC Code of Ethics
As a member of UAC, I agree to adhere to the following principles:
- To promote honesty and professionalism always;
- To promote and encourage best management practices;
- To improve my skills and knowledge and to encourage education and research; and
- To elevate public awareness of the professionalism of the urban ag industry through my investment in the association.