LPU: Course descriptions and approved credits


Approved credits

  • GEORGIA: If attending the full day: 5 hours Cat 24 (all sessions in Agronomics or Hort/Tree tracks) OR 5 hours Cat 41 (all sessions in Mosquito/Pest Control track). For individual sessions: 1 hour Cat 24 for Agronomics or Hort/Tree track OR 1 hour Cat 41 for Mosquito/Pest Control track.  
  • ALABAMA: If attending the full day: OTPC 0 10. No partial credit given. 
  • GCSAA: Self-reporting: If attending the full day: .60 education points. No partial credit given. 
  • GCLP: Self-reporting:  1 hour credit for each hour in class.
  • ISA: See course descriptions for specific credits
  • NCLCLB: See course descriptions for specific credits
  • MISSISSIPPI: If attending the full day: Commercial: III, VII(3), VIII; Professoinal Services: HCP, MBF, HCW. No partial credit given. 
  • SOUTH CAROLINA: 5 credits available if four total sessions attended across the Agronomics, Hort/Tree and Mosquito/Pest Control tracks are taken. Must select the specific credit desired: Cat 3-6, Cat 3-5, Cat 7A - 1.5, or Cat 8 - 4.5. No partial credit given. 

7:30 AM - 4:15 PM

GA PESTICIDE | GA Pesticide License Review

This complete 4-session track will prepare applicants for the Georgia Pesticide License General Standards and Category 24 license test.

Instructors: Eric Marlowe & Rob Trawick, UGA Extension ANR Agents   

No Georgia Pesticide Credits offered for this session.  See above for other credits approved.

r7:30 AM - 9:00 AM

CAT 41 MOSQUITO | Mosquito Biology and Behavior

This session will focus on the importance of learning mosquito biology as part of a multi-pronged approach to mosquito suppression. This approach will be focused on an Integrated Pest Management-based mosquito suppression program. The information provided will include details about all four mosquito life stages: eggs, larvae, pupae and adults and how to best manage each. Some of the most common pest species will be discussed as well as the diseases that they can transmit.

Instructor: Elmer W. Gray, UGA Public Health Extension Specialist

  • CREDITS: GEORGIA - see information above regarding full day or individual session credits. ALABAMA, MISSISSIPPI, SOUTH CAROLINA - see information above regarding full day requirement for credits.  ISA: Certified Arborist: 1.5; Utility Specialist:1.5; BCMA - Practice: 1.5; TW Climber Specialist: 1.5; TW Aerial Lift Specialist: 1.5

AGRONOMICS | Common Turfgrass Weeds and Management

The presentation will cover basic weed science principles specific to turfgrass systems. It will progress to weed characteristics (e.g. morphology) that can make herbicide control options difficult, then offer integrated strategies to manage problematic weed species.

Instructor: Dr. Clint Waltz, UGA Extension Specialist, Turfgrass

  • CREDITS: GEORGIA - see information above regarding full day or individual session credits. ALABAMA, MISSISSIPPI, SOUTH CAROLINA - see information above regarding full day requirement for credits. NCLCLB: Landscape: 1.5

HORT/TREECARE | Ornamental Pest Issues in the Landscape:  ID, Diagnosis and Control

Every season brings new challenges to the landscape. We’ll discuss what to look for: disease, ID, control.

Instructors: Dr. Bethany Harris, UGA Center for Urban Agriculture Director & Rob Trawick, UGA Cobb Extension

  • CREDITS: GEORGIA - see information above regarding full day or individual session credits. ALABAMA, MISSISSIPPI, SOUTH CAROLINA - see information above regarding full day requirement for credits. ISA: Certified Arborist: 1.5; Utility Specialist: 1.5; BCMA - Science: 1.5; TW Climber Specialist: 1.5; TW Aerial Lift Specialist: 1.5; NCLCLB: Landscape: 1.5


As the influx of outside capital and investors continues to shape the landscape of the green industry, it becomes crucial to identify the characteristics, metrics, and intangible factors that define an “elite” company. What are the hallmarks of a top-performing company in this space, and how can these elements be strategically leveraged to optimize value creation?

Instructor: Jeff Harkness, 3PG Consulting

  • CREDITS: ISA: Certified Arborist: 1.5; BCMA - Management: 1.5

IRRIGATION/LIGHTING | Irrigation Planning: From Sketch to Scheduling

It’s time to design your irrigation system. Learn how to do this efficiently and correctly!

Instructor: Bobby Jackson, The Toro Company, Irrigation & Lighting Division

HARDSCAPES  | Bioretention Soils and Pond Management

Hulen, Altznauer and Herrin will discuss application, soil structures, construction and benefits of bioretention ponds, and pond management.

Instructors: Clayton Hulen, SiteOne , Paul Altznauer,  Arcosa, Inc. & James Herrin, UGA Extension ANR Agent

SPANISH IRRIGATION | Sistema de Riego de Dos Hilos...Solución de Problemas - Se Imparte en Español

Esta clase le proporcionará los conocimientos y habilidades esenciales para diagnosticar y resolver problemas comunes en estos eficientes sistemas de dos hilos. Aprenda sobre los fundamentos de la tecnología de dos hilos, identifique posibles problemas y adquiera experiencia en técnicas de solución de problemas.

Two-Wire Irrigation System...Troubleshooting - Taught in Spanish

This class will provide you with the essential knowledge and skills to diagnose and resolve common problems in these efficient two-wire systems. Learn about the fundamentals of two-wire technology, identify potential problems, and gain experience in troubleshooting techniques.

Instructor: Juan Perez, Rain Bird

9:15 AM - 10:45 AM

CAT 41 MOSQUITO | Mosquito Control – An Integrated Pest Management Approach

The mosquito control session will focus on the multi-pronged aspect of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach to mosquito suppression. We will discuss the primary tenets of Education, Source Reduction, Surveillance, Larviciding and Adulticiding in detail. Information will focus on the need to understand the biology of mosquitoes to know where to look for larval habitats. We’ll discuss the importance of surveillance as a program becomes more refined or if the pest problem is persistent. If a larval habitat can not be modified or eliminated a variety of EPA approved larvicides are available. We’ll discuss the advantages of specific formulations for different habitats. A variety of adulticide application techniques will also be discussed with a focus on the more targeted, residual spray applications that are most common in our region.

Instructor: Elmer W. Gray, UGA Public Health Extension Specialist

  • CREDITS: GEORGIA - see information above regarding full day or individual session credits. ALABAMA, MISSISSIPPI, SOUTH CAROLINA - see information above regarding full day requirement for credits. 

AGRONOMICS | Biological Control in Turfgrass Diseases: Current status, Latest Research and Future

This session will address in detail the concepts, basics, and general mechanisms of biocontrol and their relevance on turfgrass disease control. Special emphasis will be given in new biocontrol strategies, organisms used and commercial availability. The presentation will describe recent research performed in turfgrass settings using biocontrol strategies and the implications and considerations for the future.

Instructor: Dr. Alfredo Martinez, UGA Extension Plant Pathologist 

  • CREDITS: GEORGIA - see information above regarding full day or individual session credits. ALABAMA, MISSISSIPPI, SOUTH CAROLINA - see information above regarding full day requirement for credits.  NCLCLB: Landscape: 1.5

HORT/TREECARE | Dealing with Adversity in the Landscape

Landscape plants must cope with many environmental realities on both points of the extreme - heat, cold, drought, flood - and much else besides. Nutritional imbalances can complicate things even further. How can we help our plants handle it all? It starts with understanding the stressors, plant growth, and the symptoms exhibited. Best management is prevention; and the old rule “right plant, right place” should be extended to include the new and improved varieties. Customer education is another key to success.

Instructor: Dr. Bodie Pennisi, UGA Vincent J. Dooley Endowed Chair of Ornamental Horticulture

  • CREDITS: GEORGIA -see information above regarding full day or individual session credits. ALABAMA, MISSISSIPPI, SOUTH CAROLINA - see information above regarding full day requirement for credits. ISA: Certified Arborist: 1.5; Utility Specialist:1.5; BCMA - Practice: 1.5; TW Climber Specialist: 1.5; TW Aerial Lift Specialist: 1.5; NCLCLB: Landscape: 1.5

BUSINESS | Organizational Development: How to Scale Your Business

Why is it that some companies grow to market leadership while others get stuck along the way? Only a small portion of landscape companies grow beyond a million dollars and of the ones that do, most get stuck never realizing their business dreams. In this presentation Envisor Consulting will share insights around organizational development learned through the lens of business ownership and business consulting throughout the country.

Instructors:  Ken Thomas & Ben Gandy, Envisor Consulting

  • CREDITS: ISA: Certified Arborist: 1.5; BCMA - Management: 1.5; NCLCLB: Business: 1.5

IRRIGATION/LIGHTING | Two Wire Irrigation…Trouble Shooting

Diagnosis, trouble-shooting and repair two-wire irrigation systems.

Instructor: Kevin Rinschler, Rain Bird

HARDSCAPES | Porcelain…It’s Not Tile, It’s a Paver  

Comprehensive learning experience for professionals interested in mastering the art of installing porcelain pavers.

Instructors: Giovani Ricetti & Aida Ricetti, Hardscape.com  

SPANISH IRRIGATION  | Riego WiFi...Controles Avanzados - Se Imparte en Español       

¡Manténgase conectado a su sistema de riego con el poder del WiFi! Esta clase le presentará las últimas tecnologías de riego WiFi, permitiéndole monitorear y controlar su sistema de forma remota. Aprenda a configurar controladores habilitados para WiFi, acceder a datos en tiempo real y utilizar funciones avanzadas como ajustes basados en el clima y programación.

WiFi Irrigation...Advanced Controls - Taught in Spanish

Stay connected to your irrigation system with the power of WiFi! This class will introduce you to the latest WiFi irrigation technologies, allowing you to monitor and control your system remotely. Learn how to configure WiFi-enabled controllers, access real-time data, and use advanced features like weather-based adjustments and scheduling.

Instructor: Juan Perez , Rain Bird      

11 am - 1 pm:   Tradeshow and lunch in Exhibit Hall A

1:00 PM- 2:30 PM

CAT 41 MOSQUITO | Don't Label Me - Pesticide selection, use, safety and more

Pesticide use 101 - all you need to know.

Instructor: Julie Fogg, SiteOne     

  • CREDITS: GEORGIA - see information above regarding full day or individual session credits. ALABAMA, MISSISSIPPI, SOUTH CAROLINA - see information above regarding full day requirement for credits. 

AGRONOMICS | Integrating Biological Controls and Fungicide Programming for Diseases in the Landscape

So, you have an idea of what biological controls are available for use in the landscape, but do you know what happens to them once applied? When is the best time to apply a biological control versus new fungicide chemistries for use in the landscape? This presentation will outline recent research at Clemson University highlighting bacterial-based biological controls used in the turfgrass market and how they influence turfgrass diseases. We will also examine some old and new fungicides for controlling common diseases of landscape turf, when to apply them, and recent efficacy data from university trials.

Instructor: Dr. Joe Roberts, Clemson University

  • CREDITS: GEORGIA - see information above regarding full day or individual session credits. ALABAMA, MISSISSIPPI, SOUTH CAROLINA - see information above regarding full day requirement for credits. NCLCLB: Landscape: 1.5

HORT/TREECARE | Pruning with Purpose

We will discuss technical winter pruning to prepare your customers’ ornamental trees and shrubs for spring and summer. We will also touch on fertilizing and growth inhibitors.

Instructor: Rick Smith, The Pruning Guru 

  • CREDITS: GEORGIA - see information above regarding full day or individual session credits. ALABAMA, MISSISSIPPI, SOUTH CAROLINA - see information above regarding full day requirement for credits.  ISA: Certified Arborist: 1.5; Utility Specialist: 1.5; BCMA - Practice: 1.5; TW Climber Specialist: 1.5; TW Aerial Lift Specialist: 1.5; NCLCLB: Landscape: 1.5

BUSINESS | LEAN IN the Landscape: Field Level Productivity Training

As a business owner, your maximum ROI on your people and equipment is achieved through field-level efficiency. Successful companies are learning to do more with less - not by working harder, but working smarter. With labor rising and pricing fixed, it is getting harder and harder to make a dime! In this presentation, learn the secrets to maximizing your field-level productivity through the lens of LEAN. LEAN is a body of knowledge originated at Toyota Motors that is centered on identifying and eliminating waste in your operations. Learn the basics of developing property attack plans, path of motion maps and Gannt charts that will form the basis for positive and sustainable improvements in field productivity.

Instructors: Ken Thomas & Ben Gandy, Envisor Consulting

  • CREDITS: ISA: Certified Arborist: 1.5; BCMA - Management: 1.5; NCLCLB: Business: 1.5

IRRIGATION/LIGHTING | Advanced Communication for Irrigation Controls

Join us and get your questions answered about Remote Connectivity to your Irrigation systems. In this class we will discuss current technologies used for communicating with irrigation controls, i.e., WiFi, cellular, ethernet, and LoRa radio. We will also touch on the “Cloud,” site surveys, and site requirements for successful connections.

Instructor: Dirk Hessman, Hunter Industries

HARDSCAPES | Permeable and Alternative Surfaces for Hardscapes

Innovative solutions for contractors and specifiers will be discussed.

Instructor: Donna Jones, Ace Resin

SPANISH HARDSCAPE | Instalación adecuada de pavimentación y muro de contención

Proper Paving and Retaining Wall Installation

Instructor: Michael Tous, The Paver Professor

2:45 PM- 4:15 PM

CAT 41 MOSQUITO | What Bites Other Than Mosquitos?

This session will explain how to identify fleas and ticks, their life cycle, important fleas and ticks in Georgia, statistics on the diseases they vector, and treatment options.

Instructor: Julie Fogg, SiteOne

  • CREDITS: GEORGIA - see information above regarding full day or individual session credits. ALABAMA, MISSISSIPPI, SOUTH CAROLINA - see information above regarding full day requirement for credits. ISA: Certified Arborist: 1.5; Utility Specialist:1.5; BCMA - Practice: 1.5; TW Climber Specialist: 1.5; TW Aerial Lift Specialist: 1.5

AGRONOMICS | Abiotic Stress and Disorders in Turf Areas

This session will focus on common abiotic stresses in turfgrasses, including drought, shade, and compaction. This will include how environmental stresses damage plants, common symptoms, how plants respond to these stresses, and ultimately how management practices interact with these stresses. The session will not only give an overview of how abiotic stresses affect turf areas but also the importance of managing these areas to maintain healthy plants that are more resilient against abiotic and biotic stresses.

Instructor: Dr. David Jesperson, UGA Crop & Soil Sciences

  • CREDITS: GEORGIA - see information above regarding full day or individual session credits. ALABAMA, MISSISSIPPI, SOUTH CAROLINA - see information above regarding full day requirement for credits.  NCLCLB: Landscape: 1.5

HORT/TREECARE | The Natives are Restless - Improving Design by Using Native Plants   

Using native plants in the landscape has gained in popularity, for many good reasons.

We’ll discuss how to improve your design by using natives and talk about pros and cons: disease, pests, IPM and managing the design and installation.

Instructor: Eric King, King Landscaping

  • CREDITS: GEORGIA - see information above regarding full day or individual session credits. ALABAMA, MISSISSIPPI, SOUTH CAROLINA - see information above regarding full day requirement for credits.  NCLCLB: Landscape: 1.5

BUSINESS | Time Management: Taking Control of Your Life

How many times during your typical week do you find yourself asking, “Where did the day go?  The day is over, and I didn’t accomplish half of what I wanted to do today.”  Yes, we know your struggles!  You are being inundated daily with requests for your time and attention. Emails, texts, meetings, employee problems and requests, client, and project issues and so on. They come at you from all directions. We invite you to join us to learn how to manage your time better so you can begin enjoying life again and prosper.

Instructor: Judson Griggs, The Harvest Group     

HARDSCAPES | Soltice Series Stone:  Cover Your Floor and More with Natural Stone Flooring and Veneers      

Instructor: Cindy Whitman, Soltice Stone

IRRIGATION/LIGHTING l Basic Lighting Design and Installation Techniques

This session is basic lighting design, focused on proper fixture and lamp options as well as proper wire and transformer sizing. Installation techniques will also be discussed.

Instructor:  Brian Niles, FX

SPANISH BUSINESS | Negocios en español Cómo empecé y crecí mi empresa

Michael Tous hablará sobre cómo comenzó su empresa, cómo la hizo crecer con éxito durante 34 años y cómo elaborar un “plan de salida” para la misma.

How I Got Started and Grew My Company

Michael Tous will discuss how he started his business, successfully grew his business for 34 years, and how to make an “exit plan” for the business.

Instructor: Michael Tous, The Paver Professor