Governor Kemp signs HB 374 LEAF Act

The Georgia Urban Ag Council is proud to have the Landscape Equipment and Agricultural Fairness “LEAF” Act signed into law by Governor Brian Kemp.
Upon signing HB 374, Governor Kemp remarked “This bill is about choice and freedom.” His leadership and that of Senator Shawn Still and bipartisan support of the Georgia General Assembly, HB 374 solidifies the protection of consumer choice.
Gas powered, battery operated, and manual tools for managing landscape debris, construction sites, and pest control all have benefits to consumers. This law protects the freedom of citizens and businesses to use the tools that best fit their needs.
For our members in the landscape and urban agriculture sectors, this law was necessary to protect against confusion that would exist if varying ordinances were made for gas blowers vs. electric blowers. In recent years, we have seen arbitrary restrictions placed on gas powered equipment in numerous states.
Georgia is the first state in the nation to codify the protection of use of this equipment. We believe other states will follow Georgia’s lead to protect their business communities and property rights as well.
We appreciate the support of Representatives Brad Thomas and Victor Anderson to get this bill over the finish line. Thank you to NALP's Andrew Bray and OPEI's Chuck Bowen for supporting our efforts. We offer Bryan Tolar, Tolar Capitol Partners, our utmost appreciation for leading this UAC effort.