Georgia Urban Agriculture Council's Political Action Committee Initiative
"Together We Grow"
There is much our members have done individually to support elected leaders, and we want to build on this success while continuing to grow our outreach among elected leaders...together we grow.
To further these efforts, on July 11, 2024, your Georgia Urban Agriculture Council Board of Directors formed a Political Action Committee (PAC) called Georgia GrowPAC. This PAC will have several functions, including:
- Supporting the campaigns of political candidates friendly to our initiatives;
- Educating elected officials and key decision makers on issues important to the landscape, turfgrass, nursery, and other sectors of the urban agriculture/green industry; and
- Advocating to advance our industry and commonalities.
Contributions from Georgia GrowPAC will be restricted to non-federal candidates in their races for legislative and statewide offices.
As you are aware, government action can make the difference between the success of your business and the sustainability of our industry. In addition, as we experience each legislative session, the groups that we must battle for law changes have proven to be good at generating PAC contributions – we must compete in this arena.
The Georgia Urban Agriculture Council has grown and adapted over our 40 years of service to this industry. Advocating for our diverse green industry business interests in the legislative and regulatory arenas is critical to our future success.
Georgia GrowPAC will be an effective tool for our industry to show strong support for candidates, especially in election years. Georgia GrowPAC needs your contribution. We must act now, or we run the risk of being left behind.
Your corporate or personal commitment will help us prepare today - all donations are welcome.
Georgia GrowPAC is an IRS 527 organization. Donations from individuals and/or businesses are not tax deductible.